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Entries in black sheep (1)


Black Sheep


Black Sheep is an australian comedic horror movie based around the idea of zombie sheep. 

All you realllly need to know.

My Negative Rad buddy Clove and I gave it a go, and didn't have too much to score for awhile. It was shot beautifully, and actually HAD a budget vs. other horror movies we've rated. It was a fun romp and minus some weird missteps near the end of the movie (including the suggestion of sheep sex!) it was a good time. With little to score and some of the negative points at the end, here's where we ended up.

Carlos 25


 +5 Punching a sheep

-20 Sheep / Human Sex (suggestion)

+5 Vegan eating a bunny

+10 Transformation scenes

Clove 25


+15 Sheep jar embryo attack

+10 Punching sheep

+20 Guy throwing his own leg at the sheep

-30 Sheep sex